It is becoming increasingly clear that the West’s reconciliation with Russia will start from the eastern corners of the European Union. In particular, both the Estonian President Kirsti Kaliulayd and the Speaker of the Slovak Parliament, Andrey Danko, call upon the club not to antagonise Moscow. Truly speaking, these small…
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According to the latest Western media revealing reports, the leadership of Ukraine loses the support of both Europe and the United States. The West exposes the Ukrainian authorities for corruption. In a recent issue of Focus, a German current affairs magazine, an article was published about the activities of Ukrainian…
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On the 19th of May, the Republic of Cyprus successfully completed its six-month term at the helm of the Committee of Foreign Ministers of the Council of Europe. Foreign Ministers, Deputy Foreign Ministers and Permanent Representatives from the rest 46 member states plus observers from the USA, Canada, The Holy…
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Around ninety per cent of the inhabitants of Crimea are Russian-speaking, Russian-cultured and Russian-educated, and it would be strange if they did not vote for accession to a country that welcomes their kinship, empathy and loyalty. Moreover, in the March 2014 referendum on self-determination there was not “a single case…
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Boris Johnson, UK’s Foreign Secretary had a mission at the recent G7 Foreign Ministers Summit at Lucca, Italy (10-11 April 2017). He was hell bound to bring home another raft of sanctions against Russia in the aftermath of the gas attack in Syria. Turning a deaf ear to Moscow’s call…
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Ukraine is losing the image of a European power created for it by the West. German Chancellor Angela Merkel would like to see the relationship of Europe and Ukraine became stronger. And Berlin is ready to help Kiev, but only with … advice. The head of German government informed about…
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The neo-nationalist partners of Turkey’s Islamist President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan who played a key role in orchestrating the abortive coup of July 15 to benefit political masters now have a new plan in the works: belligerent posturing with neighboring Greece over disputed claims in the Aegean Sea. The surprise visit…
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This very informative and eloquent article analyzing Europe’s fundamental security concerns appeared in the Greek website on 7 January 2017. The author is Ioannis Michaletos. We render it in English below as it definitely deserves to reach the widest possible international audience. Throughout the so-called Arab Spring, all reliable organizations,…
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Χθες συμπληρώθηκαν 67 χρόνια από την ολοκλήρωση του Ενωτικού Δημοψηφίσματος του Γενάρη 1950. Μέσα από μια διαδικασία συγκέντρωσης υπογραφών η οποία έμεινε γνωστή ως το Ενωτικό Δημοψήφισμα και η οποία διεξήχθη σε δύο συνεχόμενες Κυριακές στις 15 και 22 του Γενάρη 1950 το σύνολο σχεδόν των Ελλήνων της Κύπρου υπέγραψαν…
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Το Κυπριακό ζήτημα διήλθε απείρων στρεβλώσεων και έξωθεν κακοπροαίρετων παρεμβάσεων στην εβδομηντάχρονη του πορεία. Ως εκ τούτου ένα καθαρό ζήτημα εφαρμογής της αρχής της αυτοδιάθεσης μετετράπη σε θέμα διαμοιρασμού της εξουσίας μεταξύ της απόλυτης ελληνικής πλειοψηφίας των κατοίκων της νήσου με την μικρή αλλά στρατηγική Τουρκική μειονότητα – για την…
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