Ankara’s Energy Game

Written by Dr Yiorghos Leventis* One thing is for sure: the Eastern Mediterranean is going through interesting times. Historically, I guess, we have always been living in such times. The Mediterranean, as the etymology of the geographical name denotes, constitutes the middle of the earth, the place where multiple trade…

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Is Syria Next?

Written by Dr William Mallinson With the desperate bombing of Libya eventually petering out, I think it unlikely that the exporters and imposers of western freedom will try and attack Syria, for the following reasons. First, Turkey will not countenance the idea, since its Kurdish population would immediately latch on…

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Turkey’s Hubris

Written by Dr Yiorghos Leventis*   On either side of the Aegean Sea a Greek tragedy, in its full sense and extent, is being performed before our eyes. As the whole world witnesses the unfolding multiple Greek tragedy – huge foreign debt leading to economic, institutional and above all moral…

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NATO’s Balance of Power in Times of Austerity Written by Mr. Frederic Labarre

Written by Mr. Frederic Labarre   The pressures faced by NATO and EU members in meeting austerity measures while maintaining military readiness are unprecedented not by their scale and intensity, but by the conjunction of several political and social features. First, the economic crisis stimulates political isolationism and economic nationalism,…

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The Debate on the US Budget

Written by Dr. Dimitrios N. Koumparoulis In an attempt to get a Grand Bargain, President Obama proposed a centrist deficit reduction package. Congressional Republicans rejected that package only because it raised taxes, and were unreasonable for doing so. Like his fiscal commission cochairs Bowles & Simpson, the President proposed a…

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Greek Euro Zone Leave of Absence

The Greek government, the European Commission, and the International Monetary Fund are all denying what markets perceive clearly: Greece will eventually default on its debts to its private and public creditors. The politicians prefer to postpone the inevitable by putting public money where private money will no longer go, because…

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Osama Bin Laden’s Death

Most Americans were overjoyed to hear of Osama bin Laden’s death. The world is certainly better off now that he is feeding the fish in the Indian Ocean. But this leads one to ask, why are we still fighting in Afghanistan? Isn’t getting him the reason we invaded the country…

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